Living in a #MeToo World: Help in Healing Survivors of Domestic Violence & Sexual Assault

By Thrive Counseling & Consulting (other events)

Friday, November 8 2019 8:00 AM 4:30 PM EDT


The #MeToo social justice movement has shined a spotlight on the freqeuncy and far-reaching impacts of sexual trauma. This conference is intended to build on the momentum and increased awareness that the #MeToo movement has created and go one step beyond, to empower service providers, including para-professsionals and clinicians, with information and skills to address these experience and their effects with those they serve. This conference will illuminate what we know about how trauma impacts brain development and function, in addition to identifying interventions and tools to combat those challenges. We will also provide information on prevention ofsexual violence within our communities and focus on special issues in working with complex populations, including the importance of self-care for clinicians and those they serve. In addition, this event will highlight an antidote to traumatic experiences, resilience, and help providers understand how to identify and build upon resilience personally and professionally. Don't miss out on this live training event!

  • Gain critical insight into the impacts of trauma, including sexual trauma, on the brain and an individual's ability to function
  • Acquire new strategies to boost therapeutic progress with clients struggling to overcome traumatic experiences
  • Receive specialized instruction on important aspects of providing care for complex populations

This interactive micro-conference is presented in partnership with StandUp SpeakOut of North Carolina.

View complete event details on our website

Thrive Counseling & Consulting